Faggione Supports School Bus Safety Law
October 23, 2019 - Goshen, NY - At the October meeting of the Orange County Legislative Rules Commmitee, Thomas Faggione, Chairman of the committee, guided passage of a local law to install stop-arm cameras on Orange County school buses. The cameras will be used to catch drivers illegally passing stopped buses. The vote was 7-1 in favor.
Next stop is the full legislature, which meets Thursday, November 7th to consider this resolution. Faggione is confident the full Legislature will approve the local law, which is then subject to public hearing for community comments.
“Passing a stopped school bus is dangerous, plain and simple,” said Faggione, “This measure will provide the tools necessary to help protect our kids on buses, and to hold responsible those guilty of this reckless and dangerous action.”
This resolution was brought to committee by Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus. “As County Executive and a parent of four, I want to do all we can to protect students when they are riding on the school bus, and this proposal makes perfect sense,” Neuhaus said. “These cameras provide Orange County school districts with the capability to hold reckless drivers accountable. I look forward to collaborating with the Legislature, law enforcement and Orange County school districts on implementing this important initiative.”
The program would begin with the option for individual school districts to opt into.
The Rules committee chaired by Thomas Faggione and includes members Michael Amo, John S. Vero, Barry J. Cheney, Katie Bonelli, Kevin W. Hines, James M. Kulisek, Michael D. Paduch.
Complete agenda for the Rules Committee can be found at the link here>